EOD eBooks on Demand
With EOD you can order hundred-thousands of books directly from the stacks of more than 30 European libraries. Wherever you see the button "EOD" you will be able to place your order or you can use the central search service of EOD. The book will be digitized and delivered as PDF ebook. Books from the public domain will be uploaded to austrian literature online and are publicly available. more
Digitalisation of large collections
In cooperation with transidee, the Technolgie Transfer Platform of the University Innsbruck, we are offering services for digitisation and text production. A special focus in Innsbruck is the comprehensive project management of large digitisation projects.
Digitalisation for blind and visually impaired
The Austrian Copyright Law follows the recommendations of the European Directive on Copyright and has implemented some significant
privileges for blind and visually impaired people to access books in digital format. If you are blind or visually impaired
and if you need a certain book please contact DEA for further information.