Containing collections Literature Root Collection / Forschungsliteratur / Universität Innsbruck / Institut für deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Literaturkritik / Wissenschaftliche Publikationen / Mühlberger, Günter
Author Mühlberger, Günter
Title Comprehensive digitisation - The contribution of the METADATA ENGINE project towards effective and standardised conversion of printed material into rich information objects - Final report
Description Within the METADATA ENGINE project software packages for the OCR of old typfaces and for automated digitisation processes was developed
Document type Book
Year 2004
Language en
Classification Naturwissenschaften. Landwirtschaft. Medizin. Mathematik. Technik | Technik, Industrie, Handwerk, Gewerbe | Informatik, EDV | Anwendungssoftware | Integrierte Softwarepakete
Alo4 metadata Bericht | non-fiction | antiqua | gray_literature
Digital publication Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol - 1.1.2006
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