
[2009-09-03] alo old turned off

Finally we turned off the old Dell Server from 2001. Farewell alo old!

[2009-01-29] alo new online

Better late than never. With the beginning of 2009 the entire collection of alo is presented in the new style. And all the parts which are not visible to the public such as the editor are now up and running. Thanks to Albert Greinöcker und Raphael Unterweger we have now an state-of-the-art repository.

[2008-07-01] EOD Network founded

On 1st July 2008 thirteen libraries from all over Europe have founded the eBooks on Demand (EOD) Network. The network has the objective to provide digitise books "here and now" on request of users. Learn more.

[2007-04-17] alo birthday celebration

The new web interface of alo has been introduced to the public at the 5th birthday celebration. Thank you for the great interest!

[2007-03-15] University Library Vienna delivers eBooks

The University Library Vienna hosts one of the most exciting book collections in Austria. All public domain books can now be ordered via the EOD Service. [ More]

[2007-02-09] Scanrobot in Innsbruck

Since 2005 the Department for Digitisation is cooperating with the Austrian company Treventus. Their Sconrobot has now been delivered to Innsbruck and will be tested during the next months.

Digitale Zettelkataloge. Alles aus einer Hand...